Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Relaxation Music Hits All the Right Notes During Hot Stone Therapy

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Why is relaxation music so- well, relaxing? Experience and common sense tell us that such music is more effective for hot stone therapy, than heavy metal or gangster rap is. However, it might be less clear about how relaxation music specifically makes us less tense in scenarios such as yoga, hot stone massages, or general "chilling out." Here are some key benefits of relaxation music:

1. Relaxation music can serve as an affirmation

Affirmations typically involve audible positive talk. It might be odd to make such statements while receiving a hot stone massage. However, the music itself can create a positive affirmation. The positive energy that it creates can cause us to have a positive outlook on life.

2. Relaxation music can relax the body

Music can help to relax patients' tense muscles, which is one of the goals of hot stone massages. Just as the heated stones themselves can help to loosen up muscles, the music itself can help to put your mind at ease. This can result in more supple muscles.

3. Relaxation can allow you to meditate

While we often link meditation to religious ceremonies, it can serve another important purpose. Meditation can also involve the practice of simply clearing our minds of our day-to-day problems and worries. A teacher of mine once referred to this process as taking a "mental enema." When our mind is a clean slate, it is much easier to relax and enjoy the soothing relief of a hot stone massage.

4. Relaxation music can cause you to sleep

I often fall asleep when getting a massage. Sometimes I am simply tired. However, falling asleep during a massage is the ultimate sign that your body is completely relaxed. Consider the fact that falling asleep at night can be hard as nails, if your mind is worrying and your body is tense. On the other hand, relaxation music can hasten the process of relaxing during a hot stone massage-perhaps even allowing you to catch some Z's!

5. Relaxation music can help you to think positively

Norman Vincent Peale discussed this importance in his renowned self-help book, "The Power of Positive Thinking." Relaxation music clears our minds of worrisome matters that have been filling them. However, this is only the first step. We should then begin focusing on positive thoughts, thus reducing stress and making the massage more effective.

6. Relaxation music can reduce stress

Another of the goals of hot stone massages is to reduce stress. In a nutshell, stress includes anxious and edgy feelings that difficulties in our lives cause. Activities such as hot stone massages themselves can provide tremendous stress reduction. However, using relaxation music during the session can further increase the amount of relaxation that the patient experiences.

Relaxation music can ease our minds and bodies during various activities, such as a hot stone massage. Its numerous benefits can complement the heated stones, to help loosen your muscles, reduce your heart rate, and so on. The stones and sounds are a perfect match!

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