Monday, July 19, 2010

Five One Hit Wonders 1990

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1990 were a decade of great music. If you have lived a decade, you can probably remember the great songs that many feel. Whether you were in the car, listening to the radio or MTV at home can see, there's a good chance that you remember some of these songs. The bands on the other hand, some 'less memorable, as were known to her only really good shot. Let's look at a couple of one-hit wonders from 1990.

Fifth Spacehog. Youmay remember her song "in the meantime." A large area of rock song, this alternative group fall into oblivion shortly after.

Fourth Seven Mary Three. Another alternative rock band, the band sounded like "is designed for size, after the success of their hit" cumbersome. Interestingly, none of the rest of their music ever made it big.

Third Chumbawumba. "I'm down, stand up and knocked me back" ... I'm sure you know the chorus and someone has the time, but this group never really struck another in the United States.

According to Jimmy Ray. Remember this song? "Are you Jimmy Ray? Who wants to know?" was the choir and the music video was just great. Nobody knows if Jimmy Ray anymore.

First Deep Blue Something. How about this song Breakfast at Tiffany's? In mid 1990, was all the rage. The band never had another hit, and they are the quintessence of a> Hit Wonder-1990s.

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