Monday, July 19, 2010

I was in the middle of a dream

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I was dreaming. I ate carnitas. Carnitas were very good. The waitress was about to take another plate full of delicious fat, to clog the arteries Carnitas, when I heard tom-toms. The battery was a driving beat, if not the dream, the sound you want to kill someone to stop them. It could also develop a hateful act murderess in your head, though she does not make you feel infinitely better (I need therapy).

I was notno longer dreamed.

At 9.00, the two teenage boys watch the road wash the family car. They pulled the car into the street, it was only his back, count them, inches from our bedroom window. They had the windows rolled up so they could wash with plenty of laughter and joy to a heavy loud car. They also turned on the radio so high, I'm sure everyone could sing within 4 miles. The song was something like "The Hit Parade music AztecTo make a human sacrifice "or" sharp obsidian knives, We're Going To War "or something similar. The music was this, and I am sure you do, so primitive pounding that my wife back to me are the bed and say, "Are you sure you do not kill them to take?" to which I replied "no. But that makes me want to go out and kill at least one pig and a sacrifice to appease a vengeful God. "

Mexicans are genetically different from the gringos. I thinkin the nicest way.

The only way to explain the obsession with the volume that can tolerate the music has got to make-up are in their genetics. It has got to be.

I have written before. You must travel the narrow road built for donkeys in Guanajuato, if you are a small boutique or store that are currently open or a sale has happened. In any case, Mexicans always think they have found the largest gain in absoluteSpeakers on the planet - and they do it too loudly proclaim - the sale or store hours of music as well, coming out of speakers the size of the mini-SUV, you can repel waves of fire tank with the sound. And here the deal: If you wanted to go to his shop, you could not! The music creates a force field of Star Trek greatness. Would simply bounce off the invisible shield that the sound fills the door. At least you get a cacophony induced brainTumor tried to enter the store.

When I say "the President of the size of a small car," I'm not kidding. The only other time in my life I ever amp of this size has been seen in Dallas, Texas, an outdoor concert. This, of course, were used to saturate a box the size of the Orange Bowl concert, but I saw the size of the speaker in this small Mexican Barrios, who was the direct cause of the building collapsed.

Many years ago there was a house fell on a mountain.Well, I have no proof, and was officially attributed to the rainy season, but has anyone I know, read the speaker in the Barrio to see if all the volume set to "kill?"

This is everything I say!

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