Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The new illegal downloads!

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I found the following story this morning, so good, while at the same time, one of the strangest things I've read in recent weeks (except for the fact that the iPhone 4 no problems with reception). Apparently the young Internet are always high drug off camera. No, this is not a typo. If my son or his friends accidentally stumble upon this blog, do me a favor and give this a try, it is therefore no need for me, since that stupidity is not a crime to be punished.

The trendcalled binaural - a term used by musicians for years (also the title of an album Pearl Jam). Binaural / technology known as two-color changes, the brainwaves and mental state to create a state of ecstasy (which is obviously not something for us all). I-dosing systems as they are called, atonal songs listen to this while sitting motionless with headphones. The best headphones, and you know how the story goes. These binaural beats does not change the brain chemicalnor dependence. Remember, boredom and stupid is not a crime. But seriously, this could lead to actual drug use (very stupid and punishable by more than this, sent to his room).

Music in general, offers the listener an ecstatic effect hence why you probably feel when you listen to your favorite music band. This is the only reason we listen to music, simply because it makes us feel good. Wrapping in a blanket and head positioningHeadphones on - depending on the headset lets you hear a song you absolutely have heard hundreds of times in a completely different way and in a much darker and sweaties.

Binaural CDs of all time classic Avalon will be able to as Roxy 's Music The so elegant yet so simple that if you use a good set of headphones, you hear, are the hundreds of small guitar riffs, drum light hits and atmospheric nuances, the strategicand masterfully put into each song with producer Rhett Davies.

However, for those of you who are listening to reason, then do not log on to YouTube, watch and buy a $ 80 book that will tell you exactly how high the same music, which I shared with you only. Or for those of my friends out there on Facebook, I met, and for those who are waiting a day I look, send me an email and I can recommend some great music from artists such as Sylvian DavidBrian Eno and Art of Noise, which, for most of the pearls to discover you.

Instead I just try-dose of your favorite CD to listen to a good stereo system or invest in good headphones - can recommend Sony MDR-7506, but the same feeling on your iPhone or droid with a pair of V reach and Fashion (Remote Remix is set back a C-Note). Oh, and no prison time, if you steal at the end of the phone.


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