Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hit the Right Note by Understanding Your Vocal Range

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Your vocal range is something that you must be familiar with when you are serious about becoming a singer. Your range will help you to find songs that suit your voice and will enable you to perform at the best of your abilities. Understanding what vocal range is will help guide you to being the best performer possible.

Discover your Vocal Range. Your singing range is the range of notes that you can hit when singing. For some people, their range may span many octaves, while others may find their it a bit limited. This is not a concern, though, as you can work with yourrange to help get the most from your abilities. You have to start, though, by finding out what your vocal range is.

It is easiest to start at the piano. Start with middle C and sing the notes as they are played on the piano. You will sing as high and as low as possible. Make sure to note the highest and lowest notes that you hit. It is important to note that you should only consider notes that you can comfortably sing as being part of your range. If you must strain then you have gone too low or too high.

Now to get your vocal range you will count the number of octaves that you sang. An octave consists of 7 notes. For each group of notes you sing one octave. The number of octaves is your range. Keep in mind that this is just a starting point. As you mature and go through training you can expand your vocal range, so that you can make full use of the notes you can sing.

Extending Your Vocal Range. Obviously, being able to hit more notes confidently will allow you more options in the type of songs you can sing and help keep you from being limited due to your range. You can expand upon your range through proper work and training. You should know that by saying 'expand your range' this does not mean allowing you to hit higher octaves. Your singing range is set and cannot be changed. Expanding your range is more about building strength and confidence within your vocal range.

When extending a persons range the work is focused on helping you to be able to clearly and comfortably sing the notes at both the bottom and top of your range. Your goal is to end up being able to sing those notes as clearly as you do the notes in the middle of your range.

Improving upon your range is more about being able to hit every note in your vocal range with conviction. Thus, you are able to sing any song within your range with clarity and without struggling to reach those notes at the ends of your range.

When you can sing your complete range without struggle you have the ability to choose a wider variety of songs and to put on performances with confidence. You will find that you become more stable in your singing and that your overall abilities get better because you are just more self assured about your singing abilities.

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